Monday, May 7, 2012

Adventures in Summer

Most of my summers, growing up, were spent traveling.  When I was very young my parents would pack up our VW bus and off we would go from Utah to California all 10 of us! As a teenager and young adult my summers were spent touring with the Blue Knights Drum & Bugle Corps in Denver. Living in Utah and commuting to Denver took a tole on my social seen in Utah. The few friends I had didn't really understand why I was gone all summer and when I cam back I was transformed into a super human beach body.

It is only fitting that I am still traveling with my kids across the world. Doing what my parents did to me as a child. My evil plan starts with hiking, swimming, national parks, maybe a few lakes, my brothers weddings, our family reunion and if they are really really good I will take them to there first Drum Corps show.

The hi-light of my summer will be my 20 year reunion with all the lovely "92" BK guard/instructors, Drums Along the Rockies and the after party. I am so excited and its been such a long time and wouldn't miss it for the world. The friends and memories I have are truly the one of the most beautiful experiences in my life. I will forever treasure the endless summers spent performing, eating, sleeping, running day after day with my friends which became my family even if it was only one summer a year.

Life on the road

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